


Rejuvenating Eco-systems with tailor made Permaculture Designs

We create high yielding, low maintenance eco-friendly landscapes which rejuvenate eco-systems.

Hamish O'Brien - CEO & Founder

Need answers fast? Contact us now on 07 491 241 394

Our Services

Everything we do is regenerative to the environment.

Our designs are tailored to your brand and help you achieve your goals.

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Do you want to become a permaculture Designer?

Learn to design your own landscapes with our online permaculture course.
Click Here for more information
a field with dirt and grass
a field with dirt and grass

Our Approach

At PIG, we believe in creating landscapes that not only look beautiful but also contribute to the health of our earth. Our regenerative design approach ensures that every project we undertake is sustainable, low maintenance and produces abundant yields.

What is permaculture?